Christmas Tree Seedlings
Douglas-fir is native to the western U.S. and Canada but botanically is not a true fir. The needles are dark green and come out all around the twig giving the twig a bottle brush affect. Branches are not as stout as the true firs and these trees are sheared heavily to produce a dense full tree in contrast to the layered look we try to retain on the true firs.
Noble Fir
Noble fir is native to the high elevations of the Oregon and Washington Cascades and has a blue or blue green foliage with the needles turning up on the twig giving it the appearance of a hair brush. Because of this branching pattern and needle structure it has become known as the "Cadillac" of Christmas Trees. It's strong branches can hold heavy ornaments and needles are retained a long time in the home if the tree is kept watered.
Turkish Fir
Turkish fir which is native to northern Turkey has very stout branches and has somewhat shiny dark green needles that turn up much like those of noble fir. It's strong branches can hold heavy ornaments and needle retention in the home is excellent if the tree is kept in a water stand.