Musings from the Mountaintop

Creepy Crawlers
Vining plants such as Western Honeysuckle and Poison Oak will climb your trees and deform or girdle them.

Harsh Site Tree
Incense Cedar is gaining popularity as forest owners struggle with Douglas-fir survival in increasingly hot and dry Pacific Northwest summers.

A Turkish Fir for Christmas
Here’s a photo of what may have been the very first Turkish Fir Christmas tree placed in a US house.

Dad’s Hard Hat
Recently I came across my father’s hard hat in my shop and it still had the toilet paper in a plastic bag tucked in the liner and this brought back memories.

Bald Cyprus Forest Now Growing in Oregon
Bald Cyprus is a deciduous tree with soft, green fern-like foliage that turns bronze in the fall.

Locust Grove That Won’t Give Up
When my father purchased our farm it had a small grove of locust trees that grew along the creek that were planted by the pioneers.