Tips for Tree Growers
Do your homework!
If you own or manage land that you are considering planting trees on, do your homework first. Doing some research and planning before you plant your trees can make the difference between a good investment and a bad investment. Here are some of the factors to consider before planting:
Soil type and available moisture
Slope (north or south facing)
Can I provide the needed care (weed control, pest protection, pruning etc.)?
What is the market for the species I am going to plant?
Can I harvest and market my trees?
What species were native to the property previously?
Plant trees that are grown from seed that was collected in your area or from the same seed zone if possible. Get trees that are grown from genetically improved or select parent trees if possible.
Seed Zone or Placement Maps
Seed zone or placement maps are intended to be a guide to help landowners get seedlings that are suited for their land. This is accomplished by collecting seed from specific areas or from seed orchards that represent that area. Various maps have been developed by government agencies and companies to accomplish this. Keep in mind that these boundaries are not absolute and people do use stock from outside their area. The main thing to keep in mind is the climate such as temperature and rain fall similar to the areas being transferred.
To illustrate this: As summers have gotten hotter and drier, some Willamette Valley sites have more similar rain and temperature to Douglas County. Douglas County stock may be an option for these sites. We will not list all the possible interchanges for seed zones. Just use common sense when considering your options. Hopefully the information provided is helpful in making your selection.
Protect your new seedlings from deer!
Deer love to eat the tender new growth on your trees and they will if you do not take steps to prevent it! Here are some methods we have found to reduce or eliminate browsing by deer on seedlings:
Rigid seeding protectors are put over the tree and staked with a bamboo stick. This is generally the most expensive method but allows for long term protection. The tube can be moved up the tree the next year as the tree grows.
Apply Trico Pro deer repellent to seedlings prior to or after planting OR spray the field perimeter and use as a fence. Made with sheep’s fat, this has a limited time protection, but it will deter or reduce deer and elk browsing. This product can be applied to orders of substantial size prior to packing or sold for application after planting. Kintigh Nursery is a distributer of the product so pick some up with your seedling order!
Vegetation Management
Vegetation management is crucial for seedling survival through the summer. This is best done during the preparatory phase, prior to planting. While your seedling is establishing (1-2 years), it is important that vegetation is maintained and they are not competing with weeds or grasses for moisture access.
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